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AMC16 Series Data Center Monitoring Device

With sharing needs in mind, the AMC16-DETT Base Station DC Energy Meter for 5G Tower is specifically made for base stations without sub-user metering functionality in their switch power supply.

The meter could provide the matching hall sensors with functioning current and measure the DC energy in six circuits. By using higher-level computer software, it can achieve zero drift calibration in the interim. possess the ability to telemeter, teleinform, teleadjust, meter in real time, detect anomalies in energy quality, store, process, and interact with data.

Functions of AMC16 Series Data Center Monitoring Device

To guarantee the continuation of corporate operations, data centers significantly depend on cutting-edge equipment. Everything can come to a complete halt due to losses or damages caused by power outages or unavailability. For this reason, the hardware and technology used in the data center's design must be able to reduce risks and shield it from both little and large damages. With our experience and knowledge, at Acrel, we can provide data center infrastructure monitoring that shields your business from disastrous losses.

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